60 out of 33


Professeur Agrégé – Comité Scientifique


2019 : Agrégation in Private law and criminal science (ranked first)

2017 : PhD in Private law (University Paris 2)

2012 : Diploma of the Hague Academy of International Law (Private international law)

2009 : Second year of Master’s Degree in research on general private law (University Paris 2)

2006 : Interuniversity Magister Degree in Physics (ENS Ulm, University Paris 6, University Paris 7, University Paris 11)

2003 : Admission to the Ecole normale supérieure (PC competitive exam)


Since 2019 : Private law Professor at the University of Strasbourg 

2018-2019 : Lecturer at the University Paris 2

2014-2018 : Research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for comparative and international Private law (Hamburg)

2009-2014 : Teacher as Contractual PhD student then ATER at University Paris 2

  • Member of the Comité français de droit international privé (French Comity of Private international law) (since 2019)
  • Visiting research fellow of the Institute for European and Comparative Law (IECL), Oxford University (since 2019)
  • Associate member of the International Society for Family Law (ISFL) since 2017
  • Member of the Société de législation comparée (Comparative legislation Society) since 2012
  • Member of the European Law Institute (ELI) since 2011


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