22 out of 28



Mélanie joined bwg in 2008 before becoming a partner in 2017.

Thanks to her strong belief in “not damaging, but restoring the human being”, she supports her clients by favouring consensus and the search for an amicable solution based on the children’s best interests, with the aim of providing them with the best possible personal and patrimonial solutions.

Mindful of the Family with a capital F and its societal and legal evolutions, Mélanie accompanies families in all their diversity and in situations that are often difficult and complex, whether during their establishment (filiation, adoption, blended family…) or during their breakdown (divorce and other separations, death…).

  • Divorces and other separations
  • Children
  • New family relationships
  • Family crisis
  • Family counselling
  • Trained in Collaborative Process
  • Diploma of Specialised Higher Studies (DESS) in Processual Law and Enforcement (University of Paris XII)
  • Master of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Criminal Law and Criminal Sciences (University of Nancy)
  • Member of the IDFP (Institut du Droit de la Famille et du Patrimoine- Institute of Family and Estate Law)
  • Member of the Paris Bar Family Commission
  • Author of the practical points of Dalloz Action Famille
  • Author for the Gazette du Palais (Family law section)
  • Co-author of Réflexe Droit de la Famille (Lextenso)
  • Lecturer in various training courses for lawyers or professionals specialised in family law: ERAGE (Eastern France Law School), CAMPUS, Les Entretiens du Droit de la Famille (Gazette du Palais), Etats généraux du Droit de la famille

