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Isabelle has been a partner at bwg since 2005.
She is bilingual and has many years of experience in complex international situations, in particular with neighbouring French-speaking and English-speaking countries.
She favours “a realistic and constructive approach in order to maximise chances for a rapid conflict resolution”.
With her HEC (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) training, Isabelle advises individuals, families and trusts and represents them in all aspects of divorce and family law, particularly in dealing with complex patrimonial and financial issues.
In particular, she assists French expatriates and foreigners residing in France on family and patrimonial issues relating to their international mobility.
Isabelle works closely with a network of foreign lawyers who are among the most reputable thanks to her involvement in international organisations.
- Divorces and other separations
- Assets
- International Families
- Succession
- Family crisis
- Family counselling
- Mediator trained by Resolution
- collaborative Lawyer
- Vice-President of the European Branch of the IAFL
- Membre of the IBA and of the UIA
- Expert appointed by the Paris Bar for the CCBE
- Co-author of Exercices pratiques de Droit International Privé (Practical Exercises in International Private Law) published by Lextenso
- Author for Gazette du Palais (Family law section)
- Author of the practical points of Dalloz Action Famille
- Supervises the annual publication of Reflexe Droit de la famille.
- Member of the editorial committee of the jurisclasseur divorce